Saturday 26 February 2022

Winter Tree

 Hello everyone,

With February having only 28 days, my short list of set goals was challenged. They were realistic goals, so why didn't I finished them all? One main reason was the historical-political events that has occurred in Ottawa were hard to ignore.  Also it was important for us to spend time with friends and new acquaintance whom loved us, shared the abounding friendship beyond our expectation.

February goals

1. Winter  Tree quilt- Done
2.EQ8- Design a top for orphan blocks- Nope
3.Arcadia block #5- Done
4.Scoreboard quilt-Nope

Winter Tree Quilt 

 This quilt was ripped apart almost completely, because it wasn't laying flat on the floor. From experience, I knew it wouldn't get fixed by quilting it. From the begging one the fabric I've used was very thin and kept shifting or getting distorted when I pressed it. It didn't matter that I measure every thing right or starch that fabric to death. It still moved!
Winter Tree

So I watched T.V. and used my wonderful seam-ripper and started to ripped the quilt apart. Not regrets whatsoever. Sometimes, it's better to deal with the problem then leave it in a closet for month. Also I wanted to quilt this one in the time of its season.
This quilt was free-motioned and used the Creative Grids ruler: Elvira for the borders.

                                The layout is different from the original pattern. 

Arcadia Quilt 

                                                                       BLOOMING-  Block #5

I'm impressed with myself with the completion of this block. It's so precise at the seams. If you love precision in your sewing, then you should consider paper piecing. This is my first attempt at this process and with block #5 done and looking great, I may used that technique in the future. 

Creativity- Designing

Not much happening with that EQ8. These are the orphan blocks that I may put together. Some of these blocks were sewed together between 1992-2019. 

Let the fun begin by creating a pattern for these blocks! 

                                                      Restore Our Land, O Lord

When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
    we were like those who dream.
 Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
    and our tongue with shouts of joy;
then they said among the nations,
    “The Lord has done great things for them.”
 The Lord has done great things for us;
    we are glad.

Psalm 126: 1-3 

-Go in peace and seek joy from the Lord-


Saturday 19 February 2022

Long-arm Machine

It's interesting that many people  think I own a long-arm machine. I don't! At least 95% of my quilt are done at home, but a few have gone to the long-arm services when I could afford it, which is rarely.   Long-arm services can cost between $200-350. All depends of the of backing fabric per meter, thread, and batting type you chose. Also the size of the quilt will determine the cost too.

  QUILT #1

The design I choose for this quilt turned out nice. When you've a geometric pattern, it's good to add a design that has wavy or circular movement.

The floral design gives movement to the entire quilt and the strips blocks seemed to disappear. 

For the backing, I chose a fabric that goes well with the top and has a blend of blues and brown, going from a light to dark.  This quilt is so reversible! 


This English Paper piece pattern, which took me five long year to hand-sew, if finally done.  For awhile I debated with myself how to quilt the top. There are so many great design for this unique pattern and another realization was that, I was a bit afraid to ruin it completely.  In the end, I decided to let go of my great ideas and  long-arm service finished it for me.  It turned out beautiful!

                                                                   Scrappy Milefiore

                                             Here is a closer view of the quilting design

                For the backing, I chose a blue and purple fabric that varies from a dark to a light tone.

                 Here is another close view of the quilting design on the back of the quilt. 

Quilt #1

This quilt was part of my 2018 challenge.  If you remember my challenge for that year was to sew all 18 tops from one magazine published in 2017. It took me longer than I expected it, but that fine too. challenge are there to incite advanced in your journey, not to hindered it. 

The Homestead quilt top was completed on May 2017 and you can view in under that date.
The Challenge 2017 was completed on September 2019 and you can view on my blog under that same date.

Quilt #2

You can view all my progress on my blog through, which I started in March 2016.
The pattern is by Katja Marek.

What now?
Well, it's not over yet and I have to go back to quilting.

 “And as for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord: “My Spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your offspring, or out of the mouth of your children's offspring,” says the Lord, “from this time forth and forevermore.” Isaiah 59:21


Wednesday 2 February 2022

Febuary Goals

 Hello everyone, 

All my goals for January that were written down in my planner were successful done.  Two quilt tops were quilted, 2 large quilt top were send to the long-arm services, the Homestead BMO 2021 top is done. In order for this to happen, I had to brake down the monthly assignments into daily mini-goals.

Also, I participated in the Declutter Challenge 2022 by Just Get It Done Quilt. The 20 days decluttering, not organizing, was a very helpful process.. It was insightful, rewarding, and hilarious at times to see everyone progress and some quilters are starting it, either in the middle of it.


Project I'm planning to complete this month are:
1. Winter Tree: quilt it
2. Design a top for a group of orphan blocks
3. Arcadia: Blooming #5. Assemble the block
4. Scoreboard: Quilt top
5. Sew binding of the 2 top that were send to the long-arm services.

Homestead BMO 2021

After I completed the Homestead top, I hung it in order to take a picture, but every time I passed by the quilt that day, my eyes kept glancing at the three blocks under the house. Why was that? When I realized my mistake, which I couldn't no longer ignored, I quickly folded the top and put it away, hoping my mind would ignore the obvious reason.

Was I able to ignore it? Nope!


The next day, I took the COURAGE  and harm myself with the seam ripper and removed  2/3  blocks. So what was the problem? It's all about balancing the fabric balance throughout the quilt. In this case,  I added to much medium/dark fabric in the center of the quilt.  By doing this, the house itself wasn't standing out, but rather blended with the 3 blocks.

See the difference when I changed 2/3 medium/ dark blocks for 2 lighter ones? Now the house draw our attention to the center of the quilt as it's suppose too and the rest gives a pleasant overall of the quilt.


For this quilt, I used non-slip machine quilting rulers by Angela Walters. It was my first time using those tools with a quilting-foot.
                                         Three different rulers were used to make this design.
Those rulers are thicker than your ordinary cutting rulers. This Slim ruler is the one I will be using the most.

 The rulers have white/black dotted lines that can be seen on either on a dark or light fabric. 
You can purchases Angela Walters' quilting rulers at Quilting is my Therapy or
 The non-slip quilting rulers can be purchases in group or individually. 
What are your goals for this month? 
"He has made everything beautiful in its time"
 Ecclesiastes 3:11







Garden Petal

Hello , my quilting friends,     Starching   On this sunny and breezy day, I starched all the fabric for the Garden Petal and hung it on th...