Friday 5 March 2021


The dream of designing my own pattern that reflected my Christian's faith came into fruition yesterday, when I finished sewing the binding on the wall quilt.  My pictures are not great and I wished my sweet friend Laura could have done so for me, that is, if she lived closer to us.  But I shall be content to share what I have with you.

I learned so much through this process of design a pattern and I've still so much to learn.  I've already scribbled another idea on paper for my next one.


What I learn:

1.Keep it simple

This process didn't happened over night, I educated myself in pattern making through wonderful quilters, either in person when you can or on Youtube. I did not take classes or when to a drawing school, I just simply used what talents God's gifted me and went from there.

2. Keep it Small

At first, I wanted to go BIG with my design. Like a large wall quilt or bedspread and also imagined all kind of wonderful borders and quilting fillers. I was thing BIG. But I needed to keep it simple and small for my first attempt, because I would spend alot of time figuring  things our on my own.

3.Keep it Going

Through the entire process of designing and drawing this project, I had to figure HOW this quilt was going to be sewn together and HOW the proportions of the woman,  the cross, and the landscape will all fit in accords with each other. No matter how little I knew of the "Do" and "Don't" of designing,  I kept at it until I was satisfied with the overall design. Each steps helped me to build up confidence as a designer. Wow, that sound weird to admit that to myself, but it's true (laugh).


The best things I've done is to ask other quilters for their options on certain part of my design.  I've also asked my family for their options and help on this project. I couldn't have done it without my daughter willingness to let me take a picture of her for the portion of the body.

5. Don't Fret to Long over Details

I had a hair problem! Sound funny but so true.

                                                                 Grey & White Hair

At first I love that idea of a silver and grey fabric but it didn't work as it blended to much with the background. Also the white fabric I choose for the skin was see-through, not good enough to cover the background.( Oh the face wasn't on yet )

                                                          Blue Hair
This is my original idea and loved the blue hair as it made the woman stand out of the background. Also changed the sleeve of her body and used the silver fabric for skin. It worked!

                                                      Brown Hair
If you noticed the brown hair also is blending with the background, but it was at my husband request that I caved in. After all it will hand in on our walls. But next time, I definitely will still with blue hair *smile*. 

Fillers & Quilting

                                               Swirls and wavy lines

                                                    Woodgrain for the Cross and echo lines for the land. 

A big thanks to Leah Day for her podcast #122 How to Design your Own Goddess" It did helped me greatly to accomplish this quilt. 

And all the quilters at the Leah's Quilting Friends Club for their support. 
Now let's go quilt!

              Psalm 23                         

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


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