Saturday 14 November 2020

Folding Fabric with Comic boards

 There is so many ways to fold your fabrics these days that could fit the space require on your shelves.   I've tried many different way through the years to fold all my stash in a certain way that will be useful. I folded my fabric with a ruler,  stored them by colors, stored them by variation of size. All failed what I to provide a clear visual account of the what I had on display. Yes, I could see I had tons of blues and green and not much of reds, and yellows, but I couldn't SEE the fabric, because they were all piles on tops of each other and sometimes, one fabric was hidden from my sight. Ahhh. that is so sad. Okay I'm being a bit dramatic here, but you get the point.

At the quilt store you can SEE all the bold of fabric all laid up in neatly vertical rows that are stacked side-by-side. It's inviting enough that you end-up buying more fabric then you need or caught in "petting-the-fabric". How can I create that same idea in my sewing room pieces that are precuts anywhere from 1/2 meter to 5 meters? Only one folding way I hadn't tried yet. The comic book folding method.  

Comic Book Board

Comic book boards are sheet of paper of 8" x 11" and are acid free and great for storing your fabric on it. The cost is minimal for the 100 sheets of paper you have with one set. What I like the most is my entire stash can be folded the same size and way.

You can purchase those from Amazon and I also purchase alligator clips to hold fast the fabric. 

I took one pile of my fabric and of course I started with my favorite colors: Blues and greens. I won't gave all the detail how I folded the fabric with the comic board as they are many excellent tutorials already available on YouTube and I will leave a few below. 

                       This is the same pile of fabrics that is now neatly folded with the comic boards.

The pieces that were smaller than 1/2 meter were folded by size. All the smaller pieces that I couldn't fold with those were put in my scrap-bin. Yep, now I have scraps again. 



 Now I can SEE my fabrics even the smallest pieces. These folding method is great and I cannot wait to fold the rest of my stash the same way. When I have my sewing room all set up in my new home, I post a picture of how it look on my IKEA shelf unit. 

Folding Fabric with Comic Bard

Purchase Of  Fabric

My projects are mainly created from my stash, but when I start new project or follow someone else pattern, I tent to lack greatly of solid background fabric. Also my selection of light fabric value is none existent. 

                                                This is my last purchase of fabric.

When you shop for fabric, what color do you go for or do you prefer buying kits?

I Have Calmed and Quieted My Soul

A Song of Ascents. Of David.

O Lord, my heart is not lifted up;
    my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things
    too great and too marvelous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
    like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, hope in the Lord
    from this time forth and forevermore.

Psalm 131

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