Friday 19 February 2021

Winter/Summer Trees

This quilt was designed with four orphan blocks. Three of the 12 applique square I started in 2002 were never completed due to busyness with homeschooling and driving my kids around town for their classes and games.  It amazed me that all those years I never rid of them or gave them away, but kept those three blocks hidden in my closet. This year it was time to pull those orphan blocks and do something with them.

 The tree blocks are from :Piecemaker 2002 Times and Seasons 

More detail of one of the block 

And I also used two orphan blocks from Spring Thaw Quilt

For all the star blocks, I used precut scraps and picked color  that would match with the center. The whites and beige fabric was purchased for this project. You can learn how to sew the Criss Cross Star tutorial by Lori Holt  Sew Your Stash Serie #10

Friday 12 February 2021

Be My Neighboor- Black & White

Another Be My Neighbor quilt that was done in the black and white version with all scrappy fabrics. I started in 2017 and completed last week. One project mark off my list. 

For this quilt, I kept the quilting design simple with only two main fillers. One are curve lines that are  echoed about five to six times. The other filler was a swirl to brake the monotony of the quilt. I used the quilting foot for the curve lines and free-motioned for the swirls. 

                                                      Very scrappy, but the result are great!

                                                    Closer details of the quilting

How much would you pay for a twin size quilt?

Here are the facts for this finished quilt size is: 68″ x 84.5"

1)TOP: Fabric ranges from $9-$25 for the top. Scraps are still good  and worth its original price.

2)WIDE BACKING: Price ranges from $19-$35. All depends of the novelty of the fabric. 

3)BATTING: Purchased in bulk or half-price, it  still comes at $12.99/meter

4) BINDING: The finished edge of the quilt

4) THREAD: Quality thread varies from $5-$15 a spool.

 5)LABOR: Priceless. It's made out of love for quilting and to give away.

 Be My Neighbor Quilt Pattern


                                                     Psalm 5:11-12

 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
    let them ever sing for joy,
and spread your protection over them,
    that those who love your name may exult in you.
For you bless the righteous, O Lord;
    you cover him with favor as with a shield.

Monday 8 February 2021

Explosion of Blues

Explosion of Blue was designed using all the fabric and pieces left from the Curved Log Cabin.  It was surprising that there were enough for a small quilt.  

                                                                   Explosion of Blues

My design was simple but very effective as it left nothing for the scrap bin after I was done with it.  There is  a combination of blacks, greens, and very little of blues fabric.

Designing the top quilt really helped with the assembling of the entire quilt.


They were four main section on this project. The top will be quilted at another time.


Garden Petal

Hello , my quilting friends,     Starching   On this sunny and breezy day, I starched all the fabric for the Garden Petal and hung it on th...