Friday 16 March 2018

Quilting at my Own Pace

For those who have just joined my blog and wondering why I'm posting mostly tops these days, it's because I'm trying to catch up from the past few crazy months. Also, my other projects are still packed in boxes and will stay that way until we move to our next house.

There are so many creative designers out there this day, which I'm grateful for, and way, way greater than myself.  It would be a waste of my time spending hours and hours over the internet trying to surpass their talents. Nope, Ithe ain't t doing that to myself. My interests are to educate myself with new techniques or excel in another area that needs improvement.

It's my journey into quilting and I'm inviting you to follow me and hope it challenges you to pursue your own interest in quilting in the area you thought you couldn't do yourself. And yes, I'm very pleased when someone joins my blog.

All my tops quilts are from the Easy Modern Quilts By Quilty (December 2016)

  My stash in three of those bins. A husband's dream come through *laugh* We are presently renting a one-bedroom basement suite. That's my sewing space for now.

This is what my blog is all about:
-My Blog is to keep me accountable for the goals I've set for the year.
- To share great designers and their ideas or patterns.
-To have fun at my own pace.
-To prove that I can sew beautiful quilts from my small stash of fabrics.


-Have a list of at least 12 projects you want to complete these years. Maybe less if they are a super big project.

-Start a Quilt Planner and use it as a reference point.

-If you're a bit crafty, take pictures of your quilts and posted them in a scrapbook. That way you can show & tell when you've visitors over. Also, so many of us are giving our quilts away, so yeah having a picture is nice for references to what you have done in the past.

Selecting fabrics for a project can be tedious for the same as a beginner quilter. I learned to use a print  I really like, then blended my other fabrics around that one. Or I used the selvage, where there are the colourful dots, and use it as a referral source.

 Make sure you have Dark, Medium, Light, and one accent (contrast). Those were my first pick for Twist & Turns, but I had to purchase a lighter green that fit with my Teals, cause I didn't have enough the Yellow/green Batik.

In all, enjoy quilting!

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