Tuesday 18 January 2022

Interlocking Star Quilt: Completed!

 Hello everyone,

What would motivate your sewjo in order to complete a forgotten UFOs or In Progress project? there is many ways this can be done, by challenging yourself into taking only a few that your REALLY want done this year and work on it at least 30 minutes a day. It's amazing how much sewing can be done in a short session. 

 Good Habits

In order to get back into a good quilting habit,  I choose two simple designs I was familiar with and quilting a section everyday.  It was fun to get back into business and because I hadn't free-motion for many months, my shoulders were tense and my hands position went to far up the plate. This was a good idea to restart with a smaller quilt, so I put my whole body into good habits.

       FRONT:  It's sad that you cannot see much of the quilting. I may have to retake this picture on a sunnier day

For the back, I used what was left from the scraps  (color strips). Also used some of the dotted fabrics.

Flange Binding

This was my first attempt at sewing a 'flange binding'. Okay for those of you who don't know about the part of a quilt, it's the edges. That very thin edge at the outer far part of the quilt. A "flange binding" it made of TWO pieces of different fabrics,  instead of one. Then the binding was sewed from the back first, turned to the front and stitched.  A quilt like this one takes me about 3-4 hrs of hand stitching. Now it took me about 1 hr. including the preparation for the flange binding.

You can barely see the wavy lines and circles, but that was intended because I rather see the quilt-design, not the quilting design. 

💙 Let's Go Quilt to His glory!


"He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth; and the coast lands wait for this law." Isaiah 42:4

Sunday 9 January 2022

Planning Goals in 2022

 I've started quilting in mid-December, because most of my time was spent outside on our property.  The weather has been rather mild in December and last Friday January 5 was our first true snowfall that will certain stay.  The temperature is dropping but all is good as we have a fireplace and it's near my sewing room. Perfect!  

After reading the goals I set for myself in 2021, I must admitted I did well considered not every project were worked on and only quilting for 6 months.  Gardening, raising chicks, landscaping, and having my daughter here for an entire month took my time away from the quilting and that's okay too. 

What was Accomplished in 2021

  • New Hexagon Quilt top is done. ( A five years project)
  • Forgiven ( creating my own design was completed)
  •  4- UFOs completed with orphan blocks
  • Arcadia Avenue (in progress) I haven't touch it!
  • Mini-Monday Blocks sew-a-long ( participating in a group)
  • Be My Neighbor (quilted) 
  • Retro Tretro Quilt (sew-a-long)
  • Star Cube quilt (sew-a-long)
  • Followed at least 4 channel that inspired my quilting
  • Kept a record of my progress in a journal but not much on my Blog

This is a rough estimation of what I've done in 2021.


What are my Planning  Goals in 2022

My project Tracker sheet is divided into 4 sections:

1.Arcadia Avenue Quilt (BMO)
2. Homestead Quilt (BMO)
3.Top Quilts
4.Designing & Creating


                 Unfortunately, during my decluttering week 1, I found 3 finished quilt tops.



 I've organized them into three group: small, medium, and large.  Two tops have their back ready, so those one are going to be the ones I will be quilting first. 

                                   Interlocking Star quilt was sandwiched this morning


Arcadia Avenue wasn't even touch last year. It's such a beautiful pattern, I work on it. This has turned into a UFOs. So sad.

Homestead quilt-a-long 2021 by IAQ. This is another beautiful simpler quilt and was part of their membership for many months. It was fun participating in the zoom meeting with other US quilters. Also, I had purchased new fabrics for that project. Again money spend $$$. It cannot be left in a box for years. Nope!

                                            A few of the Arcadia Avenue Blocks

                               Three sections finished from the Homestead quilt


One of the benefit of drawing over a photo of your pattern, is you can SEE the visual effect it creates on your quilt.  Also I'm hoping to design another woman-quilt this year. It was so much sastifaying and learned so much from the process.  

In the End

My goals this years are simple: Just get it done! Also, I'm hope to be more active in my blog and my journal. My word for this year is COURAGE or COURAGEOUS. When there seem no end to what is going on our planet, only can I stand courageous for my God and pray for He fast return. Meanwhile, I'm bless to be able to quilt, garden, enjoy His word. How are you facing your daily struggles or stressful events your cannot control?

"And Joshua said to them, "Do not be afraid or dismayed. Be strong and courageous. 

For thus the LORD will do to all all your enemies against whom you fight" Joshua 10:25



Garden Petal

Hello , my quilting friends,     Starching   On this sunny and breezy day, I starched all the fabric for the Garden Petal and hung it on th...