Monday 20 April 2015

Apple Core

At our last share-workshop from our guild, with skeptical thoughts and trepidation, I learned how to cut an apple core pattern from an AccuQuilt and sewed them together without pinning. Yikes!!

 Curves!  Something I avoided for years.

After my first precautious tentative to sew two pieces together than four, things were not looking so bad.  By gently pushing and/or pulling the right amount of fabric, my middle notches aligned and edge too and made a perfect apple core.

 After sewing in a group of fours, I sewed them in rows. My project was small, so not too overwhelming for my first attend with curves. I'll say that if you are a beginner at quilting or an over-pinner, this technique could end-up to be a challenge. Also, I, noticed my body shifted over to the right of my sewing machine in a crooked way and tension build in my shoulders. Just something to have in mind if you consider doing a longer quilt.

In the end, I loved the waving pattern it formed.

 The quilt is 52" x 52". It's a community quilt for Victim Services our guild is supporting.  Now that curves aren't a big deal, I want to make another one.

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