Saturday 10 April 2021

Interlocking Star


There is only 12 days left before it's time to move to our new home and I'm looking so forward for it. Every part of it! The cleaning, the painting, the unpacking, and the most part will be to explore our five acres. Also planning our garden. So much fun!

Meanwhile what can be done at home, beside packing the few things we have here at the rental. Well like any quilter I know, so much can be achieved during that short period. I've started  working on the Interlocking Star Quilt, which I had pre-cut for 2011 quilter's retreat! That's how long that project was left in the plastic bin.  I was smart enough or my organizing talent, gave me the insight of leaving a copy of the pattern in the bin with the project.

Going Back

Going Back to this project after a long sitting time isn't something I do much and now I know why: It's not much fun to work on a older project. The drive to work on it is gone! Even if everything was well prepared and labelled, it took me awhile to figure out the pieces. It simply puzzling! 

Read the Instruction

I took every mini-bundles and laid them out by their section, but it was to no use, I still couldn't figured out how the pattern worked. Also working with an interlocking design doesn't help much.  So I read the instructions and it did helped me figured out the sections.


Now the fun part began.

This is one block finished. There are 24 more to go and are in different color.

 Interlocking Star sections needed to be sewn with accuracy, otherwise the interlocking effect will be lost. 

This pattern can be purchase here:Interlocking Star Quilt

I find mine in the Fons & Potter's Quilting Magazine February 2011


                                                So looking forward for gardening too!

Have a blessed weekend and love you all

Garden Petal

Hello , my quilting friends,     Starching   On this sunny and breezy day, I starched all the fabric for the Garden Petal and hung it on th...