Tuesday 4 April 2017

Creation: Day 1 & 2

A real sign of spring has arrived to stay is when you hear the robins singing. Spring is a great time for cleaning, dusting and decluttering our house of things we don't need anymore. I have done that with my sewing room already, but I had filtered through my children's homeschooling boxes and keep only the good memories and throw the rest away. My mind bogged downs after going through only four or five boxes. What to keep. What to throw away. Are you like that when you've to declutter your sewing room? What difficult choices when you want to keep everything, but you just can't.  *Big sigh*

Last month I asked my youngest son to help me set my signature logo on my Blog.  It make it look so easy. A click here and there and it's done.

For once I started my own design for a quilt I had dreamed for many years. Creating a project from scratch is fun, that is if you're a natural at designer and drawing. As quilters, it's easy to just pick a pattern, cut and sew it, but to design and sew our own pattern takes a bit more ingenuity.

DAY 1 

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

 How do you quilt a "beginning"? I'll try to keep my design very simple and cut my blocks into 15" x 15" for a starter.  I divided the block into sections and started quilting from the center out.

 In each section was marked with lines, so I wouldn't quilt crooked or waving lines. The black fabric picked up the batting flimsy stuff. Not too happy about that.

 One quart completed. Simple enough.

What happened! It's wavy and it won't lay flat.  I've learned from other quilters that if you quilted intensely in a small area as I did, it can pucker-up and I forgot all about it. Grrrr. It didn't seem a problem until I quilted the last quarter.

 After ironing it real good, it flattens a bit, but I wasn't entirely satisfied with the final look.

 When back and quilting more lines and filled the spaces.

DAY 2:  

"The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

 By using two different colour threads, it added effect to the water and sky.

This project will be done entirely with a silhouette design - I think- and only will add a thread for the colour.  I'm not overly planning it.. Trials and errors as I learn and quilt.

Garden Petal

Hello , my quilting friends,     Starching   On this sunny and breezy day, I starched all the fabric for the Garden Petal and hung it on th...